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Fed up with the hassle of travelling with unwieldy, outsize ski bags? A new service now offers skiers the ultimate in travel convenience

new service offers skiers and snowboarders chance to travel without baggage

bagSOLO, a brand new concierge service that lets skiers and snowboarders travel without their outsize baggage, has launched for the 2016-17 winter season.

It takes the lug out of luggage – you simply arrange collection of your ski equipment before you travel via the bagSOLO website, then their shipping partner Fedex whisks it away, transporting it to your hotel or chalet, so it’s waiting for you when you arrive.


6 reasons to love bagSOLO's new service

•    No more paying for the excess charges most airlines levy on ski gear
•    No more lengthy airport check-in queues
•    No more waiting at the oversized baggage belt, praying your skis will turn up
•    No need to book a larger than necessary rental vehicle or sit squashed with your gear across your laps
•    No need to struggle through airports, on public transport or carry your gear before you need it
•    You are free to travel with just carry-on bags, making for a smoother, hassle-free trip

bagSOLO managing director Mike Coyne comments: ’We know there are skiers and snowboarders out there who want to take their equipment away with them, but are frustrated with airline charges and the inconvenience of having to squeeze their luggage into cars, carry it through airports and have it squashed against them in transfer vehicles. bagSOLO provides another way, a better way.’


How it works

bagSOLO can arrange delivery of snowsports equipment to destinations all over the world, including France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Japan, New Zealand, the US and Canada.

Bags are collected from a pick-up address between 9am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, and delivered to your accommodation one day before your arrival.

Prices start at £99 for a round trip to ski resorts in the Alps. Booking the service involves a simple four-step process via the website and can be done up to two days before arrival if using the company’s Express Service.

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